OP Retail | To know everything about every store
OP Retail | To know everything about every store
Heatmap analysis

Heatmap analysis

Gain profound insights into your customers' interests and behaviors. Assess the layout of your store, analyze the design of the purchase path, and measure the effectiveness of your promotions.

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Why do you need OP Retail's
heatmap analysis?

Visualize your customer's traffic flow

Heatmap lets you know your customer's engagement in each area in your stores by analyzing their stay time at each point of interest (i.e. shelves, shopping mall district, advertisement, etc.). Visualizing your customers' flow of traffic means that you can understand more about your customers, thus boosting your business performance more efficiently.

Why do you need OP Retail's <br class='web_show'> heatmap analysis?

Our products

People Counter

People Counter

Industrial-leading precision and multi-functional

Our extensive selection of high-precision sensors, including multi-functional 2D sensors, high-precision 3D sensors, and AI counting sensors, ensures accurate detection of customer traffic in various scenarios, all while maintaining utmost respect for privacy.

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Business intelligence system

Business intelligence system

Panoramic people flow analytics

The ever-evolving retail business intelligence system integrates and visualizes your stores' data. So you can get a comprehensive understanding of your customers with customizable reports.

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Trusted by 4,000+ brands globally

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Contact us today for a free consultation, find out the solution that best suits your business! For partners, we offer support and services from training to remote setup and verification. It’s time to improve!

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